What a shame

Third time’s the charm

I don’t know about you 

But under my roof

That was never true

No means no 

Or so I was told

Then I thought about 

Why that was so

And down a wrong path I went 

Pondering the fine lines 

Between persuasion and manipulation

Turns out it was just a premature question

For all I managed to utter 

Was cluttered confusion

All chances lost 

Not to the lack of will

But to the lack of skill 

Take your eyes off the prize 

Look inside and realise 

You’re tired 

Rejection is exhausting

Not just three 

But a billion other pleas

Played out with pessimistic ease 

In that court of yours 

Comfortably behind bones

Jailed from reality

What translates is

Unsympathetic and ineffective

Three times of

Aimless self congratulatory effort 

Like walking an hour

In the wrong direction 

You’re still tired 

Just for no good reason

Tired people make tired mistakes 

And I think the question is

Are you willing to charm and seduce your way

Through the bitter taste 

Not for the underserving obstacle 

But for what you thought you wanted

Then you realise it’s not worth it 

And that 

Is the emptiness of losing  

What you never wanted


Fine Wine and the Test of Time*

