Shannon Yeung is a Hong Kong born artist and designer interested in asking questions through whimsical forms. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a BA in Philosophy and a BFA in Art and Design. She is currently working as a multimedia designer at the CSIS iDeas Lab.

Her works have been exhibited in the University of Michigan Museum of Art, Emerson Contemporary and Boston Art Book Fair, and acquired by the MassArt Library and Tufts’ W. Van Alan Clark, Jr. Library.

Things I’d like to share!

Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman

In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell

Harnessing Creativity and Crowded Wet Mushrooms. A Beautiful Thing by Dave Arnold

One Dataset, Visualised 25 Ways by Nathan Yau (Flowing Data)

#Filosofix, an animation series about classic philosophical thought experiments

Working on…

Using food as a vehicle to inspire interest in epistemology and research integrity

A kinetic origami sculpture made from curved folds